Monday, October 29, 2007

Halloween party

My family Halloween party was this weekend. I look forward to this every year. Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, so this party I especially enjoy. Also this year, Jonathan was able to come. We had so much fun. We had lots of food and played all sorts of games. One of them was charades. We each popped a balloon and did whatever the piece of paper inside said. Ofcourse they all had something to do with Halloween. Mine was ghost. lol Needless, to say I had to ask my aunt for help. It was so much fun to see everyone act so goofy. My only thing is I wish my dad could have been there. It would have been so nice to see him act out something in charades or play black magic. The party yet again was sooo much fun. I cannot wait till next year!!

Monday, October 22, 2007

My weekend and My Mondays

My weekend was great. I got to see my boyfriend everyday and I got to house sit too. Friday, we saw a movie and after that I went to work. That night my cousin and I played guitar hero till 2:30 a.m. I have not mastered it yet, but I am working on it. We were at our Aunt's house. They went to Mississippi for the weekend so the house was ours. :)
Saturday, I did some shopping with my Mom and I went to dinner with my honey. That night we played guitar hero again but not that late this time. Because we had to get up and go to church, we needed some sleep. Sunday, I went to church and Jonathan came back to the house with me. The afternoon consisted of Kayla and him riding dirt bikes and me sitting and watching. I finally rode before dark. Wow, I was so proud of myself. I finally did it. I did not fall either. Then night came and we had to leave. My fun weekend had come to an end.
Mondays, I hate them. For some reason Mondays are the hardest day for me. The week is beginning and it makes me sad. I get depressed and just kind of gloomy. It makes me think about school all week and when I am going to be able to see Jonathan again. The weeks suck. They always go by somehow, but it seems like forever. My Mondays are the beginning of it all. I wonder if I am the only one who feels this way, kind of hopeless and just blah. I think about one thing each day that I can look forward to. It gets me through the week.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Reader Response Essay

Christina DeFilippo
Reader Response Essay
Wendy Sumner- Winter
In this paper, I will try and show you my thoughts and response to the story The Rake.
When I first read this story, it made me sad. To think that children could go through something
like this at home is horrible. From the first example of the kitchen table, to the school play, and
of course the rake it showed me again the idea of silence.
The first thing that really stood out for me was blood and how the kitchen table
symbolized that for them. “So the table was associated in our minds with the notion of
blood. (pg.1, Mamet) A kitchen table should be a place where families come together to eat and
catch up on everyone’s day. It should not be a place where there is fear and guilt. I know at my
house the kitchen table is a place where we get together and laugh and talk.
Another thing that stood out from the beginning was this idea of beautification. The
stepfather wanted the kids to keep up the yard. It struck me as if the author was trying
to say he wants to keep appearances up so no one would suspect anything. If you look
at something and you do not see anything wrong at first glance, odds are you will think
everything is fine and dandy. I think the children resented the fact that they had this
responsibility. He even said “Why this chore should have been so hated I cannot say,
except that we children, and I especially, felt ourselves less than full members of this
new, cobbled-together family, and disliked being assigned to the beautification of a
home that we found unbeautiful in all respects, and for which we had neither natural
neither affection nor a sense of proprietary interest.” (pg. 1, Mamet) One can only imagine how
it must have felt to be in a family that you did not really feel apart of. I cannot really
understand that feeling, but I can imagine how it must have felt.
Now on to the school play story. This really affected me, because there was no
reason for the mother to have been that harsh and not understanding. I just do not
understand how you could not let your child be in a play because they were not hungry
and did not finish their dinner. Has she no understanding that her daughter might have
been a little nervous. “My sister sat down with the plate and pecked at her food and she
tried to eat a bit, and told my mother that, no; really, she possessed no appetite
whatever, and that was due, no doubt, not to the food, but to her nervousness and
excitement at the prospect of opening night.” (pg. 2, Mamet)
To me, the author is trying to show the heartlessness of this mother. How could she
be like that? How could she let her husband act the way he does to her children. The
author even says his sister told him every Sunday night she was always being
physically abused in some way. One example would be when their grandfather
had gotten to a certain age he had come to live with them. Her brother was gone one
night and she stumbled upon an incident going on between her mother, stepfather, and
grandfather. When her stepfather realized she was there, he hit her and slammed the
door. “My sister pushed the door open farther and said-I don’t know what she
said, but she asked, I’m sure, for some reassurance, or some explanation, and
my stepfather turned around and saw her and picked up a hairbrush from a
dresser that he passed as he walked toward her, and he hit her in the face
and slammed the door on her.” (pg. 3, Mamet) There is no excuse for physical abuse. But one
thing we come to understand is it did not start here. Their mother was abused. In the text, the
author shows you that she was exposed to this when she was a child too. Her family was silent
about it too. So I guess she did not really have anyone stand up for her, so why do it for your
own children. One would think that you would want it better for your kids than what you had
It is so sad to me that the only good memory they have is a family joke. When they
would all go out to eat the parents would act like they were leaving them and of course
would always come back and get them. “The happy trips were celebrated and capped
with a joke. Here is the joke: My stepfather, my mother, my sister, and I would exit the
restaurant, my stepfather and mother would walk to the car, telling us that they would
pick us up. We children would stand by the restaurant entrance. They would drive up in
the car, open the passenger door, and wait until my sister and I had started to get in.
They would then drive away. They would drive ten or fifteen feet, and open the door
again, and we would walk up again, and they would drive away again. They sometimes
would drive around the block. But they would always come back, and by that time the
four of us would be laughing in camaraderie and appreciation of what, I believe, was our
only family joke.” (pg. 4, Mamet) I do not know what I would do if I only had one happy
memory of my childhood. When I think of my childhood, I have so many happy memories, from
wrestling with my Dad, to eating lunch with my Mom at school. I am sure there are children out
there who can relate to the author’s story though. Maybe that is why he is sharing it, so others
will see they are not alone. They can find a common bond with these people.
Now to the last and most anticipated story, the rake incident. This one struck me as he is
just doing what he has seen his whole life. He is angry and his sister says something he does not
like, so he hurts her. I think the author left this one till last so he could build up to it. In my
opinion, the first stories were examples to show that if you see something like this going on your
whole life; it will eventually become a part of you. Another thing about this, they were both
silent! The sister did not even tell on her brother and he did not admit what he had done. The
fact that silence is so prevalent in this story does not surprise me as to why these children did
not speak up and say what had happened.
As I read this story and the others I had to choose from, I saw an ever present theme of
silence and appearances not always being what they seem. From the Hashish story, to Street
Haunting, to this story, and the alcohol abuse essay, they all have these themes. Though all are
different stories, they all have this underlining meaning. If you are a witness to such things as
what went on in this story and you do not speak up you are just as guilty as the stepfather. Like
keeping up the yard, so simple yet so much meaning lies beneath it. Keeping up appearances as
so no one suspects what could be going on behind closed doors. One cannot really see what is
there until we are there in it ourselves. Appearances and silence they go hand and hand really.
To keep up appearances, you must be silent sometimes. You must hold in it and give up
something for the sake of how something must look. I think that is what Wendy is trying to
teach us. Do not be silent just to make sure everything and everyone looks okay. Be loud and
proud. Voice it when you see something that is wrong. Stand up for what is right and do not let
anyone tell you otherwise.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Response to the story in class


Church is a crucial part of alot of people's lives. In this story, the place where the family lived was big in the Bible. The author kept talking about the stories from the Bible they would tell. One being the swine and the lunatic. It seemed to give the author a reason for his father being a drunk. He was possessed. He looked at it as if his father was possessed, who would help him? You find it hard to believe that nobody knew. I would think someone in your church could see what was going on. Maybe they did and and just thought it was none of their business. Then again maybe they just did not care. Although in a church,you would think they would be the most caring. I think it's a shame they did not tell anyone. Who knows what they could have done. In my opinion, I would need to tell someone or it would eat me up. To have someone to talk to or someone to just be there for me. Christians are supposed to help one another. Everyone is, but you would think they would especially.

The way the author keeps talking about the Bible stories almost makes me wonder if they told specific stories like that on purpose. If maybe the ministers knew or had an inclination about what was going on. I know when I had things going on in my life , everyone tried to help me. But then again they were told ( most of the time) what was going on. The mother in way reminds me of my Mother. When all this stuff has been going on with my Dad she did not want to tell anyone. We told our immediate family, ofcourse. But as far as others we tried to keep it on teh down low. So in a sense I can see where they might be coming from. Still, I think it can be good to let people know.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Four essays

Christina DeFilippo
Wendy Sumner-Winter
In class today we were talking about the essay The Rake: A few scenes from my childhood. We talked about several things we saw in the essay and how they could relate to us. We were supposed to pick one topic and tell how it affected us or how we viewed it in the story. The topic I chose was blood.

When I think about blood, I think about bad times in my life or I think of pain. As in the story, you see blood when he hits his sister. She is bleeding all over everything from her the wound he caused her to have. Blood is not a good thing or having to give blood. Blood relates to me because my family has had quite a few health problems and the doctors always have to draw blood. When my sister was three she was diagnosed with JRA. It is a form of arthritis and because she has this disease they have had to draw blood from her every three months. I have been to almost every one of these appointments and to this day I cannot watch it. It was so bad one time I almost passed out.

My father has always been sick too. He has had to get his blood drawn quite a bit too. Blood just does not sit well with me. I cannot stand to see it much less watch someone have it drawn out of them or me. I go into panic mode when it is time for them to take blood from me. I try and do everything I can to avoid it at all cost. Some people may think my fear is silly, but if you could have seen what I saw my sister goes through you would understand.

DeFilippo 1
Christina DeFilippo
Wendy Sumner- Winter
Another assignment from the same essay was to choose a scene in which we had a certain response to from our own lives or from the story. I chose funerals. In the story, they are at the mother’s funeral. When I read about this section it made me sad for the family because I know how painful it is to lose people you love. As just about everyone would I imagine.

The first funeral I remember that really affected me was my great grandfather’s. I was close with him and I loved him very much. I remember I cried a lot. I was so sad for my loss, but also for my grandpa and my mom. I remember my Uncle Chuck saying this really long heartfelt prayer. That has stuck with me ever since.

About two years ago, I knew five people that died all in the same year. I went to so many funerals that year it was sickening. The first being my great aunt and the next to last being my good friend Amy. That one really hit me hard. She was only eighteen years old and had so much in front of her. I remember as time passed on I would think who is next. Is God trying to get me ready for someone in my immediate family to die? Is he testing me to see how far I can go till I break? These questions I still cannot answer. But all I do know is that by going to all those funerals it taught me that no matter what I have to live life to its fullest . You never know when your funeral someone you love’s will be.

DeFilippo 1
Christina DeFilippo
Wendy Sumner – Winter
From the story Hashish in Marseille, I chose the topic being hashish is like being in love. I found this very interesting how he compared the two. I cannot say for sure I know what he is talking about because I have never been high, but I am in love.

I can see how being in love makes you look at things differently. One would act one way and because of the “drug” he or she completely changes. I know that when I first fell in love with my boyfriend I looked at things completely different. You see the world differently as if you had a new pair of glasses on. I know that I definitely saw things with a new pair of glasses on.

One thinks of someone else before himself. You take their feelings and thoughts into consideration before you make certain judgment calls. In a way, you become a better person. You become more compassionate and more thoughtful. Even when that lovey dovey feeling goes away, the love is still there. Your actions may even change a bit more after that too. But no matter what you will always be changed by that experience. I know I was and still am. I have seen what love can do and how love can stand the test of time. My grandparents just celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary this year. Yes, love does change you and makes you see things differently, but it is so worth it.

DeFilippo 1
Christina DeFilippo
Wendy Sumner – Winter
I chose to talk about the dwarf and how appearances are good in some ways and bad in others. This comes from the story Street Haunting. Like the dwarf, we all have things we are self conscious about. She was about her height; I am about my weight and height. But when she took her shoes off and everyone could see the appearance of how beautiful her feet were she was like a different person.

Appearances about yourself and how other people view you are very important and very complex. A lot of people make assumptions based on appearance. Like by color, gender, weight, age, and etc. This really is not fair. No one can really know someone based on their appearance. You can get clues about that person but you can never really know that person. Like I am sure you would not think that I would be self conscious about my height, but I am. I feel short compared to a lot of people. It is especially hard for me, because I was always the tall person when I was in elementary school. It was like one day I just stopped growing. It has always been hard for me to accept that I am not tall anymore.

But like the dwarf, as soon as she went into the world again she went back to being a dwarf. Not to being the beautiful woman she was. Because she was short people made assumptions about her, as we all do. Just remember you do not like people basing their opinions on you based only on your appearance. Let’s try to do the same for others.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Memphis essay

Christina DeFilippo DeFilippo 1
Wendy Sumner Winter
I would like to start out by saying I think what happened to Taylor Bradford was horrible. What happened to him shocked and frightened the students and the faculty at The University of Memphis. It had made everyone think twice about walking around on campus. Everyone is more aware of their surroundings and who they are with. This really makes us all think twice about the crime that has been happening recently on campus.
Even though I did not know Taylor, I can still imagine what it must be like for his family and friends. At school, no one should have to worry about getting shot and killed. This is a place where people come to get an education and become something. I think the city should do something to make our campus and our city much safer. Memphis has become the most dangerous city in America. That is so sad.
We should be able to feel safe in our own community, not terrified of what might happen to us. We want our leaders to stand up and take a stand against violence. But when most our own leaders have criminals records themselves, what do you expect? As students of this campus and citizens of this city we should come together and let criminals know this will not stand. We are going to take back our city and our campus. That they will be brought to justice for all these horrible crimes they have committed. That way what happened to such a bright and innocent guy Taylor was will not happen to anyone else.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Virginia Woolf and Walter Benjamin

These two stories were very hard for me to get through. I like stories and articles that get to the point. These two you had to really read the whole way through to get at what they meant. And even then I was not one- hundred percent sure. Their writing styles were very different. Virginia's story was very jumpy. She told many stories all in one. She tells of what she sees throughout her street haunting in London. At the end, you see how she watches people's other experiences and draws the same conclusion from each one.
Benjamin's story was more difficult than the first. He was harder to understand. He used many words I cannot even pronounce. His writing style was very straightforward. He had one story and it was him and his experiences during a day. They were very similiar in that they both were examining things they saw. The point of his story I am not quite sure. I had a hard time keeping my attention on this one.
Some history on these two authors would be Virignia Woolf considered to be one of the foremost modern literary figures of the 20th centurty. She has written many famous works such as To the Lighthouse and Orlando. Her death was very untimely. She fell into a depression and killed herself.
Walter Benjamin was a jack of all trades. He was a German marxist literary critic, essayist, translator, and philosopher. Some of his most famous works include The Arcade Project and Illuminations. He too probably killed himself. The circumstances concerning his death are not clear though.
