Tuesday, November 13, 2007

My three essays

Red and Math
Red is like math. How I am not sure. I like the color red, but I cannot stand math. Math is hard for me. Red is just a color that makes me happy. I do not have to know anything about the color red, but I do about math. The only connection they have is the use of red pens to grade my math exams.

God and an education
You do not need God to get an education. You do not have to pay lots of money for God. I have to pay lots of money for my education. People base your abilities to do certain jobs on your education. They could care less if you believe in God and have a relationship with Him. Your ability to succeed in this world requires an education. And your ability to succeed beyond this life is in God, not an education.

Name calling and abortion
They are alike because whether you are for or against abortion both parties have done alot of name calling towards one another. This is a very heated issue so people do not think before they speak sometimes and they name call. Also name calling is painful thing that you can do to someone. Abortion is as a horrible thing that you can do to someone. (yes, a fetus I am saying is a person) They both have negative tones about them. They can both be controversial, from when Dog called his son's girlfriend the n-word ,to whether a woman should have a choice to kill her baby before it is born.

The commonality in it all is that I am trying to get you to see some different sides of things that you normally might not think would go together. In each essay, I use different words to give you an idea or not to give you an idea of what I think. In the first essay, I used the word I alot so you know I felt that way. In the second one, I used the word you alot. So you could not really tell if that was how I felt or if I was making a general statement. In the last one, you already know that I do not like either one because they were from list b. All of these essays have something that is bad, even in trying to find commonalities. You could say that because of the size of my essays I might have had a hard time trying to find a common bond or a difference. You can draw your own conclusion.


jannica said...

to me the first one was funny. i tried to remember all my math teachers from past years, and they really did use red pens all over my papers...well, except one. but that lady was a little nuts anyway. even though you like the color red, you could add that red's really supposed to be a color representing anger among other things. you know, it pisses off bulls and supposedly wasps? just an idea....

Wendy said...

good job.

Bekah said...

I think your little self-evaluation essay was a kind of a cop-out, you pretty much just wrote what the assignment was, and I think in each of the three essays you did have a good idea of the commonality between them, but you didn't really pursue it. (I really liked "You do not need God to get an education. You do not have to pay lots of money for God")

Kameshia Williams said...

Your essay was okay but you seen kind of harsh. I guess you really didn't know what you wanted to talk about really. I would not though of you as a person like that of being confused about what you want to say. Because you are so open minded in clas about everything.

jmconnll said...

I like the red/math comparison. I actually like math but I can relate to getting those test back that seem to be bleeding with red ink. I also liked your God/education essay and I believe it had some very true statements in it.

aoski said...

I thought your second essay, the one about an education and God had some very good ideas. It was interesting to read because of how you were able to connect the two together.

EJ Daniel said...

The abortion vs name calling comparison was interesting because both are painful things in two different ways. I also like how you compared God with education, the two opening sentences have a lot of truth in them.